Cowan Reflection

Reflect prior:

The brief for the Parahuman project is that the character has to have pointed ears, long hair, clothing and between the ages of 16-22. 

I have chosen the ears from my tonal drawing of a dog, this is because they are pointed and I think that the will fit the female character well. The female character already has long hair and it wouldn’t be hard to add detailed clothing. I can also try and use different parts of animals bodies e.g. octopus arms from my texture drawing. Might choose a different character pose as these aren’t face on  

I will try out different poses alongside the ones I have already drawn, this is because each pose can give a different emotion and this can determine the mood of the character. 

Try it out:

Here are the basic poses that I have drawn, this is just to show the positioning of the arms and legs of my character, also the direction of her face. So of the drawings have clothes added, I think that the skirt works well for the drawing on the right.

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Here I have added more features to each of my character poses, long hair, pointed ears from the dog painting and other pieces of clothing.

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Next steps:

After this i’m going to take each part of my character to develop it with more detail, adding to the face, legs, arms and clothing that she is wearing. I need to choose the style of clothing that my character will wear, I have already thought about trying to add some robes. Also I need to draw a face painting of my character to show her mood with her facial expressions. 

Eye tone drawing

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Description: I drew this image using Photoshop and a Wacom tablet. I started off with a picture of a dog then sketched over the photo so I had a drawing. Then I moved the photo away to the side and then painted a base colour over the face. I then select some colours from the photo to make the painting as detailed as possible, I started to smooth out different colours so that they blend well together but didn’t finish. 

Feelings: I feel like this illustration was a good experience to start of with, I feel like it started off well and if I was to finish it then I would feel happier about it. I enjoyed  drawing the dog’s face because it wasn’t to hard to do as there were only a few colours used.

Evaluation: I think that the drawing went well and if I was to finish this painting then I would be happy with the final product. I think that the most successful part of my painting is towards the left-hand side, this is where I have blended the most colours together and it works well, it took some time to do as you have to use a smooth brush and then select the colours between the 2 and then paint with that colour, this smooths out the painting from one colour to the other..Making it not look too harsh. The bad thing about this experience was that I didn’t finish the illustration – I didn’t get time to add any detail into the eyes or onto the tongue. 

Analysis: I have learnt how to blend tones together which will be very important for my final illustration for the brief. Learning this didn’t take long as you only have to use 2 tools in Photoshop (the colour picker and smooth brush) and these can make your work look impressive and accurate to the photo. If I ever have to use this technique again it wouldn’t be hard to use and it would make my final work look good. 

Conclusion: Things I would do differently next time would be to add some more detail into the eyes and tongue. By doing this it would make my painting more realistic and make it more complete.  

Action Plan: If I was to do this again then I would try and blend the black’s into the base colour better so that it looks more smooth and not as edgy. 


What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is where you take someone else’s work and then say that it is your own. 

‘I declare that all the work submitted on my blog is my own work or, in the case of group work, the work of myself and other members of the group in which I worked, and that no part of it has been copied from any source unless otherwise stated. I understand that if any of the work submitted on my blog is found to be plagiarised, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment’