Final Evaluation for DVD cover

My DVD cover meets the brief because if involves a character which has pointed ears, long hair and between the ages of 15-20. I think that my illustration works well with my DVD cover because the colour scheme is similar so it doesn’t look out of place, also the lettering wraps around the illustration which I think is successful.

I think that the most successful thing about my illustration is the white highlights and dark shadows. I think this works well because when my illustration didn’t have this layer the design looked flat and not very good, when I added some white highlights it gave the illustration some depth, for example: around her leg there is a highlight on the right side, this makes her leg look a little curved so there is depth and more realism. 

I think that the least successful part of my illustration is the tone drawing of the skin. This is because when I did previous tasks for tone drawings they were much better than this, if I spent a little more time on this thenI could’ve made it look a lot better and this would’ve made it look real than just a flat colour. 



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