Research on Titles and Slogans

Some of the feedback I got from Kate was to research into meaning and message of my poster, I looked at different slogans that other companies used to advertise certain parts of the car which has helped me come up with several ideas that I could use.

Below are some of the slogans that I gathered to produce my own. In my own work some of the words have been messed around with so that it suites my theme and isn’t confusing. All of these images were taken from:


The first image is of the slogans that I gathered from my research, I typed them up in normal font and set it so that the slogan fit in the box. This is where I changed some of the words to make it seem suitable to my theme i.e ‘A racing passion for simplicity’ was inspired by ‘A burning passion for excellence’ , I changed the words ‘burning’ to ‘racing’ to show that the car is faster than Sonic and ‘excellence’ to ‘simplicity’ because a Mini Cooper is known to be a fun simple car. – Arcade Classic video game font is a free typeface that anyone can use.

The second image is a development of the first, I changed the font to match my typeface from the first digital development design. This is a retro game font so it suites in well with the theme of nostalgia and video games. The yellow font stands out well on the darker background and a light shadow was added to the words to make them stand out even more.

The last image is a development of some title ideas I have from looking at my research into titles and slogans. I did the same as above, keeping the colours and typeface the same to match the theme of my design. Choosing the right title and slogan is important so the when the consumer finishes with the title and reads the slogan it makes sense and isn’t misleading.

A few title and slogan ideas I like are:

“New Record, Fastest Time – A Racing Passion For Simplicity”

“New Record, Fastest Time – Suddenly Everything Seems Old”

“Coins: 2500, Upgrade Car! – MINI Budget, MAX Speed”

“Coins: 2500, Upgrade Car! – A New Class Of Affordable”

“Carry On Moving Forward, MINI Cooper – Out Of The Game And Onto The Road”

I found it difficult to choose a Title and Slogan to use for my final design, I asked people around me to help me with my design and the majority of the votes came to “Carry On Moving Forward, MINI Cooper – Out Of The Game And Onto The Road”. I personally like this Title and Slogan because it stands out more than the others, and the slogan works perfectly for this situation, where the customer is “playing the game” and they should buy the car to take it “onto the road”.




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