Presenting to Car Enthusiasts

Many people started to take an interest in cars when they first started to be made. These car enthusiasts are stereo typically male aged 20 – mid 50’s, although there are many females whom also have as much interest in cars and they age gap can vary. E.g. The target audience for a first time buyer would most likely be aged 18-21 and an old vintage car the audience would most likely be aged 40+.

By showing my ideas to an audience who are interested in cars would be an important way of gathering information on what could be developed and improved. If these people don’t understand my advert then it will be very hard to produce a convincing advert for the magazine.

To present my ideas the theme needs to stay the same, I could add retro game decoration as background or something computer related so that it isn’t just white and boring. When looking at other designs, commonly darker colours are used. This is so that the car can stand out of the dark background and it makes it seem more bold, also a slightly transparent background helps to put focus on the main images.

Within my presentation I will show the stages that I went throw to develop my ideas to what they have become today. Using screenshots, S.C.A.M.P.E.R and thumbnails will help with this.


Above is my poster that I created to present to the car enthusiasts, I think that this poster is laid out well – showing my progress through this assessment. The background suites the theme of my poster design and it isn’t too strong so it doesn’t draw your eye immediately. I added my initial and developed design to show how far I have come, also added some screenshots of the inspirations that helped me with my idea – the game machine and sonic the hedgehog game. A couple of Titles and Slogans were added to show the ones I have tried out previously and also what they looked liked before changing the font and adding the yellow and shadow.

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